Artool Freehand Airbrush Templates Essential Seven All 7!

£89.00 inc vat

This set contains:

  • Eddie Young’s Template (ART-FH-1)
  • Eddie Young’s Template II (ART-FH-2)
  • Richard Montoya’s 360 degrees Shield (ART-FH-3)
  • Richard Montoya’s 45 degree Shield (ART-FH-4)
  • Andrea Mistretta’s Mini Shield (ART-FH-5)
  • Andrea Mistretta’s Super Shield (ART-FH-6)
  • Gabe Mc Cubbin’s The Big Shield (ART-FH-7)

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Art No: ART-FH-P – Artool Freehand Airbrush Templates Essential Seven All 7!

Made from solvent proof polymer, these templates can be cleaned with solvents and is easily flexed or curved around irregular shaped surfaces without fear of damaging them.
This set consists of seven freehand airbrush templates from Artool. Each has a series of outer edge curves but many have internal counter-shapes. You are sure to find the exact desired shape for freehand freedom, from sweeping French curves to smaller spirals.

Try raising the template slightly for soft edges.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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