General Airbrush Operation & Cleaning Guide

IMPORTANT: Never remove the nozzle unless it is already damaged. If you thoroughly clean the airbrush using the procedure in these instructions, it will prevent the nozzle becoming clogged so that you will not need to remove it. Although made from durable, high-quality materials, this part is small and finely engineered. Accidental damage caused by cross-threading, over-tightening, dropping the airbrush, forcing the needle or tools into the nozzle and normal...

Iwata Eclipse CS – See what our Customers Think

Struggling to make your choice on Airbrushes. See some helpful reviews from our customers of our most popular airbrush the Iwata Eclipse CS Airbrush. I had a cheap airbrush that I really struggled to get consistent results with. The Eclipse is fantastic, so easy to control the paint floor and does an excellent job of finer lines and laying down large coats. The quality of the gun is exceptional...
Neo for Iwata Textile Kit

The UK Model Shop

Graphic Air provides you with a very handy website to find shops, suppliers, events and information on model railways. Coupled with the video below, using one of our Iwata Neo Airbrushes, this will give you a wealth of information around cleaning/maintenance, how to apply paint along with other tips and tricks for beginners through to professionals. If you have any questions we...

Trouble Shooting Your Iwata Eclipse CS Airbrush – Bubbles in the Cup

The Iwata Eclipse CS airbrush is a robust all around workhorse for most of our customers. It is extremely well made.  However, it's not unusual for us get calls from customers regarding their broken Iwata Eclipse CS airbrush. One common problem we get called about is bubbles in the cup. If you're experiencing this problem, check out this video from EnclineDesign. In this short video, he shows you the cause...


If you're a Warhammer 40K enthusiast looking for tutorials on how to paint a blood angels redemptor dreadnought, don't miss this video. Shaun shows you tips and tricks on how to create a professional finish. If you check out the description, you'll also find a discount code you can use if you fancy buying the Iwata Eclipse CS airbrush that Shaun's using in this video.


In this video, OrcNerdPainter shows you how to paint a miniature space marine raptor using our Sparmax Max 4 airbrush. This airbrush is one of our entry level airbrush. At just £54.90, it's only slightly more expensive than cheap copies of airbrushes, but comes with 5 years warranty, and customer support. Spare parts are also easily obtainable from us or other UK airbrush retailers. The video also shows how to...